The pandemic has been like a colossal earthquake, shaking entire industries from their roots. It’s resulted in total destruction for some businesses and a reevaluation of entire business models for others.

When restaurants and stores closed in mass, whether temporarily or for good, the mountain of inventory, supplies, furniture, fixtures and other equipment has left business and industry leaders asking, “Where do we put all this stuff?”

While the brick-and-mortar business model has been shifting for some time, the pace has skyrocketed due to COVID, leaving many businesses wondering how they are going to handle it all.

As the demand for moving and storage has risen sharply since last year, Simonik Transportation and Warehousing’s one-stop-shop approach has been a lifeline for companies forced to move, shutdown or liquidate.

Simonik has been managing these logistics for decades. Our know-how, professionalism, ability to source secure warehouse space, as well as our relationships built with reputable liquidators have been a go-to resource for the region’s business community.

Our full-service relocation services go far beyond the safe packaging and moving of goods and supplies. Here’s what’s needed in a move or close-out situation:

  • Surveys: Complete a site survey to plan out the process, while scoping out any unique challenges to that move.
  • Inventory, Supplies and Equipment: As restaurants, retail operators and commercial office holders are looking to store valuable equipment in order to ride out the pandemic, they need suitable storage space to do so. We have expanded our dependable network of warehouse and storage faculties to meet the high demand throughout the entire mid-Atlantic region.
  • Asset Liquidation Services: Liquidation needs a plan and partners. By working as a conduit with our reputable liquidation partners, our clients can focus on other challenges, knowing that these will be handled.
  • Lease Clean-outs: As clients focus on managing the crisis, we help them mitigate costs relating to space clean-ups. Our professionals help our clients meet the obligations of their lease so they can move out safely and on schedule. With our utilities and trades connections, we arm our clients with the services they need, including disposal to ensure their lease-vacating terms are met.

While we have always made these services available to our clients, this attention to detail has been crucially important to the business community that is and will continue to be in transition as a result of COVID.

If you are a business in need of critical relocation services that go beyond the ordinary, contact us today. We move mountains to serve you.